Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 38
Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus
, a great and wonderful light of Learning, and therefore invited and drawn by Kings and Princes into Germany, Italy, England, and other Regions of Europe, was born at Roterdam in Holland 28. of Oct. 1467. This Person tho educated in all kind of Learning beyond the Seas, yet he must have a place in these Athenae, because he had studied in this University, particularly in St. Maries Coll. a place for Canon Regulars of the Order of St. Austin (whose great Gate is almost opposite to that of New Inn) in the Years 1497. 98, and part, if not all of 1499. and as some think in the Year 1518 or 19. when Card. Wolsey founded his Lectures in this University, at which time Erasmus read (c)(c) Ut in notis quibusdam Br. Twyni, MS. certain Lectures in the publick refectory of Corp. Ch. Coll. The reason of his continuance and studying here, I have told (d)(d) In Hist. & Antiq. Vniv. Oxon. lib. 1. p. 237. you elsewhere, and therefore all that I shall now say of him is, that his works are printed in 9 Volumes, in which are his dissertation De taedio & pavore Christi, and certain Epistles, which he wrot in the said Coll. of St. Mary, and that dying at Basil in Germany, 1536 on the 12 of July in Fifteen hundred thirty and six, was buried in the Cathedral Church there: Soon after was a conspicuous Monument, with an Inscription, put over his Grave, the contents of which, I shall now for brevity sake omit. His life is twice, or more, written in Latin, tho not so well as it should be, and once or more in English, which is the reason that I have spoken but briefly of him in this place.