Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 619
Henry Rowlands
was born in the Parish of Mellteyrn in LLyn in Caernarvanshire, educated in the School at Penllech, was admitted a Student in the University about 1569. took the degrees in Arts as a member of New coll. that of Master being compleated in 1577. and soon after became Rector of La [••] ton near Bister alias Burchester in Oxfordshire. In 1598. Nov. 12. he was consecrated (a)(a) Ib. in Godwin int. ep. Bang. B. of Bangor, being then Bach. of div. and in 1605. he was actually created Doct. of that faculty. He bestowed on his Cath. Ch. four bells, instead of those that were fold away by Arthur Bulkley his predecessor, and in 1609. he (b)(b) Vide Hist. & Antiq. Univ. Oxon, lib. 2. p. 316. b. gave lands to Jesus coll. for the maintenance of two scholars or fellows there. At length after he had bestowed much money on pious uses, had spent all his time in celebacy, and had govern’d his church and diocess with great commendations, 1616 surrendred up his pious soul to God 30. (c)(c) Camden in Annal. R. Jac. 1. MS. sub an. 1616. June, in sixteen hundred and sixteen, and was buried in the Choire of the Cath. Ch. at Bangor, among the sepulchres of the Bishops. By his last Will (d)(d) In Offic. [〈◊〉] . cant. in reg. Cope part 2 Q. 19. and Test, he bequeathed moneys for the erection of a School at Mellteyrn, or Bottunog, where he was born and christned. In the See of Bangor succeeded Lewes Bayly, whom I have mention’d at large among the writers, under the year 1632.