Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 528

James Rowlandson

, a Westmorland man born, became a Student in Queens coll. in the beginning of the year 1596, aged 19. years, afterwards a poor serving child, then a Tarbarder, and in 1605. Master of Arts and Fellow. In 1614. he was admitted to the reading of the Sentences, being then noted to be a subtile Disputant and an edifying preacher. About which time being made Chaplain to Dr. Bilson Bishop of Winchester, he became Rector of East-Tysted in Hampshire, Master of the Hospital of S. Mary Magd. near Winchester, Chaplain to K. Ch. 1. and in the year 1636. Doctor of Divinity. In 1638. he was made Canon of Windsore, in the place of Dr. Charles Sunninbank deceased, and would have risen higher in the Church, had he not been soon after cut off by death. He hath published,

Several Sermons, as (1) Gods blessing in blasting, and his mercy in mildew, two Sermons suitable to these times of dearth, on Haggai 2. 17. Lond. 1623. qu. (2) Sermon at Bishop Andrews his Consecration of Jesus Chappel near to Southampton. Printed 1627. in qu. This I have not yet seen, nor-others which he, as I conceive, hath publish’d. He paid his last debt to nature on the ninth of May, 163 [] . in sixteen hundred thirty nine, and was buried in the Chappel of S. George at Windsore. In his Canonry John Hales of Eaton, the Walking Library, succeeded. But soon after ejected by the restless Presbyterians, without any regard had to his great Piety and learning.