Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 149
William Russell
Son of a Father of both his names, was born at Wickware in Glocestershire, educated in the Grammar School at Wotton Underedge in the said County, became a Batler of Linc. Coll. in Lent term 1635, took one degree in Arts, and then taught School for a time at Sadbury in his own Country. At length John Langley being called away to be chief Master of S. Pauls School, he became Master in his room of the publick College School in the City of Glocester, where by his singular industry, happy way of teaching, and by his great skill in the Tongues and holy Scripture, many learned youths were sent thence to the Universities. His works are these.
The old Protestants conscientious enquiries concerning the new engagement—printed in qu. ’Twas written against the Oath called the Engagement.
〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 . The Holy Ghost vindicated—in oct. written against Joh. Biddle. He gave way to fate on the 5. of July in sixteen hundred fifty and nine aged 42 years,1659. and was buried in S. Michaels Church within the City of Gloc. See his Epitaph in Hist & Antiq. Univ. Oxon. p. 167. a. b. He left behind him three most ingenious Sons and excellent Scholars, who were afterwards successively Masters of Arts and Fellows of Magd. Coll. The eldest was Samuel, who died 22. July 1670. aged 22, the next was William who died 8. Dec. 1672 aged 22, and the third was Richard who dying 21. of Oct. 1681. aged 28 years was buried by his said two Brethren on the south side of Magd. Coll. outer Chappel. One Rich. Russell a Rutlandsh. man born, as it seems, bred in the English Coll. of Secular Priests at Lisbon in Portugal, was by the K. of that Country designed to go into England as an interpreter to Don Francisco de Mello Earl of Ponte, Embassador extraordinary from the said K. to K. Ch. 2, to settle the Marriage between him and Donna Catherina the Infanta of that Country. After Russels return into Portugal, he was rewarded for his pains with the Bishoprick of Portalegre, where he now lives, but whether of the same Family with Will. Russell beforemention’d I cannot tell.