Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 148
Anthony Russhe
, a florid and frequent Preacher of his time, was born in the Diocess of Norwych, admitted Probationer-Fellow of Magd. Coll. in July 1554, did compleat the Degree of Master of Arts 1558, and soon after quitting his Fellowship, became Chaplain to Qu. Elizabeth, Dean of Chichester (in the place perhaps of Barth. Traheron) Doctor of Divinity, and in the Year 1567 Canon of Windsore. He hath written,
A President for a Prince: wherein is to be seen by the testimonie of antient writers, the duty of Kings, Princes and Governours. Lond. 1566. in qu. and other things, as I conceive, but such I have not yet seen. He paid his last debt to nature on the first day of April, 1577 in Fifteen hundred seventy and seven, aged 40 or more, and was buried in the Chappel of St. George at Windsore. Over his grave is an Epitaph containing a great Elogie of him, which for brevity sake I shall now omit, and in the mean time proceed to the next writer in order to be mentioned.