Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 39

John Rycks

being much addicted in his Youth to Piety and Learning was entred into the Order of the Minorites or Grey friers, and among them in Oxon he did spend some time in good Letters. At length in his last days, (being then esteemed a placid old Man) when he saw the Pope and his Religion begin to decline in England, he became a zealous Protestant, and wrot in the English Tongue,

The image of divine Love.

Against the blasphemies of the Papists.—And translated into English, Prognosticon of Otho of Brunfeild, which he dedicated to Thomas Cromwell. Other things he wrot as my ()() Baleus, in Script. maj. Brit. p. 101. post cent. 12. Author saith, who adds that he died at London in Fifteen hundred thirty and six, 1536 which was the eight and twentieth Year of K. Hen. 8.