Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 226

Henry Salesbury

, born of, and descended from, a right ancient family of his name living in Denbigbshire, became a commoner of S. Albans hall in 1581, aged 20 years, took one degree in Arts, and no more, in this University, entred on the Physick line, practiced afterwards in his own country, and was esteemed by the learned not only an eminent Physician, but a curious Critick, especially as to matters relating to the Antiquities and Language of his country. He l [] th written,

Dictionarium Britannicum. Which being left [〈◊〉] in MS, came into the hands of Job. Davies, who made great use of it when he was [〈◊〉] his Dictionary in British and Lat. and in Lat. and British. What our author Salesbury hath written besides,Clar. 1592. or when he died, I find not, nor any thing else of him, only that he was of the same family with, and very nearly related to, Will. Salesbury, whom I have mentioned under the year 1567, from whose endeavours this H. Salesbury found divers materials when he was composing his Dictionary before-mentioned, and perhaps had received instruction from his own Person, in matters relating to British affairs.