Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 599
John Salisbury
, seems to have been descended from the antient family of his name living in Denbighshire, but the Town or County which gave him his first breath I cannot yet learn. This person after he had studied some years in this University, but more in another, entred into the Sacred Function, and being beneficed and dignified in the Church, was made Suffragan Bishop of Th [•] tford in Norfolk, but the year when I cannot tell, and in 1540. Dean of Norwych in the place of Will. Castleton, who, having been the last Prior of the Black Moaks there, was made the first Dean of the Cath. Ch. in 1539. But Salisbury being outed of his Deanery, for what cause I know not, in the first year of Q. Mary, Dr. John Christopherson was installed in that dignity 18. of Apr. 1554. and soon after became Bishop of Chichester. On the 4. of Dec. following the said Salisbury was installed Chancellour of the Church of Lincoln, in the place of Joh. Pope who had then lately obtained the Archdeaconry of Bedford. In 1560. he was restored to his Deanery upon the deprivation of Dr. Joh. Harpesfield, and in the beginning of the year 1571. being made Bishop of the Isle of Man, was confirmed in that See on the seventh of Apr. the same year; at which time he had liberty given him to keep the Deanery of Norwych in Commendam with it. He concluded his last day about the latter end of Septemb. in fifteen hundred seventy and three, and was, 1573 as I suppose, buried in the Cath. Ch. of Norwych. In the said Deanery succeeded George Gardiner D. D. installed therein 24. of Dec. 1573. and in the See of Man one Joh. Merick, as I suppose, of whom I shall make farther mention under the year 1599.