Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 519
Robert Gomer Sall
, the eldest Son of an Esquire, was born in London, applied his muse to Academical Literature in Ch. Ch. 1614. aged 14 of which house he was afterwards made a Student, and at about seven years standing taking the degree of M. of A. he entred into holy Orders, and became a very florid preacher in the University. In 1628. he was admitted to the reading of the Sentences, at which time he was esteemed excellent for Dramatick Poesie, especially upon his publishing of,
The Tragedy of Ludov. Sforsa Duke of Millan. Lond. 1628. oct. Dedic. to Mr. Fr. Hyde of Ch. Ch. Proctor of the University. He wrote also
The Levites revenge, containing Poetical meditations on the 19. and 20. Chapters of Judges. Lond. 1628. oct. Dedic. to Mr. Barten Holyday, Archd. of Oxford.
Sermons on 1 Pet. 2. 13, 14, 15, 16. London 1634. Dedicated to Sir John Strangwayes of Melbury in Dorsetshire, who seemed to be a favourer of the authors studies.
Poems—Lond. Clar. 1634. 1638. oct. They were before published, and had then (1638.) a new title put to them. One Rob. Gomersall, who seems to be a Devonian born, died 1646. leaving then by his Will (*)(*) In the Will-Office, near to S. Pauls Cath. Ch. in Reg. Essex part 3. Qu. 143. 1000 l. to his Son Robert, which Son perhaps may be the writer before mentioned.