Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 560

Miles Salley

, or Sawley, a Benedictine Monk of Abendon Abbey, Almoner (i)(i) Joh. Leland in tom. 1. collect. p. 4 [] 3. thereof, and in 1498. Abbat of the Monastery of Einsham near to, and in the County of, Oxford, was promoted to the rich Bishoprick of Landaff in Nov. 1504. and in the year following did (k)(k) Reg. Univ. Oxon. [〈◊〉] fol. 237. bestow considerable exhibitions on certain poor Scholars of Oxford, in which University, (in Gloucester coll. I think) he had received his Academical education. He departed his mortal life in the month of Septemb. in fifteen hundred and sixteen, 1516 (at which time he bequeathed many good things to Einsham Abbey) whereupon his heart and bowels were buried before the Image of S. Theodorick at the high Altar in the Church of Mathern in Monmouthshire, (at which place the B. of Landaff hath a Pallace) and his body carried to Bristow, where it was with great solemnity buried on the north side of our Ladies Chappel before the Image of S. Andrew, situate and being within the college of Gaunts, (which Leland in his Itinerary stiles the Gauntes alias the Bonhomes,) founded originally by Hen. de Gaunt a Priest. After him succeeded in the See of Landaff George Athequa a Black-Frier of Spain, who by the name of Georgius de Aitien, had the (l)(l) Pat 9. Hen. 8. p. 1. temporalities thereof given to him 23. Apr. 9. Hen. 8. dom. 1517. and after him followed a Cambridge Doctor named Rob. Halgate or Holgate of Helmesworth in Yorkshire, Master of the Order of Sempryngham, and Prior of Watton, who, after election to that See, had (a)(a) Pat. 28. Hen. 8. p. [] the Kings consent 29. March 28. Hen. 8. The next was Anthony Dunstan, whom I shall hereafter mention.