Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 308
Richard Samwaies
son of Ric. Sam. was born at Illminster in Somersetshire, of which his Father was Vicar, was admitted Scholar of Corp. Ch. Coll. 26. Mar. 1630 aged 16 years, was afterwards Fellow, M. of A. and in holy Orders. In 1648 he was ejected his Fellowship by the Visitors appointed by Parliament, and afterwards, being a shiftless person, suffer’d great misery and hardship for his loyalty. In 1660 he was restored to his Fellowship by the Kings Commissioners, was actually created Bach. of Div; and on the death of Hen. Jackson, became Rector of Meisey-Hampton in Glocestershire. He hath written,
Englands faithful reprover and monitor, under 9 heads; directed first to the Church of England, 2 to the inferior Ministers of the Gospel, 3 to the Nobility and Gentry, &c. with a postscript. Lond. 1653. in oct. Besides which he had one or more books fitted for the press, but were lost. He died 21. Aug. in sixteen hundred sixty and nine,1669. and was buried in the Chancel of the Church of Meisey-Hampton, near to the grave of his predecessor, H. Jackson before mention’d: Whereupon Will. Fulman succeeded him in that rectory as I shall tell you hereafter. One Peter Samwaies hath written An exposition on Catechistical principles, but whether he was related to the former, or was of this University, I cannot yet tell.