Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 256

James Scudamore

Son of Joh. Scud. of Kenchurch in Herefordshire, was born in that County, educated in Westminst. School, transplanted to Ch. Ch. in Midsomer term 1661, aged 19 years, and soon after was made one of the Students of that house. This person who was poetically given, wrot

Homer a la mode. A mock Poem upon the first and second books of Homers Iliads. Oxon. 1664. in 9 sh. in oct. and in the next year he took the degr. of Bach. of Arts. Afterwards retiring to his Relations then living in the City of Hereford, was drown’d in the River adjoyning, (to the great reluctancy of all those that were acquainted with his pregnant parts) as he was recreating himself by swimming, in the month of July in sixteen hundred sixty and six:1666. whereupon his body was conveyed to the graves of his Relations, where he was, with great lamentation, inter’d. In 1681 was published in oct. Homer a-la-mode, the second part, in English Burlesque; or a mock Poem upon the ninth book of Iliads. Invented for the Meridian of Cambridge, where the Pole of Wit is elevated by several degrees; but who the Author of it was I know not.