Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 131

Richard Shagens

who is written in one of our registers Schaftnes, was born in Ireland, became Fellow of Balliol Coll. in 1556 being then Bach. of Arts, a noted disputant and an excellent Philosopher. In 1560 he took the Degree of Master, and four years after resigniag his Fellowship, he retired into his native Country, where he gained a good report for his noted parts in speaking and penning. Rich. Stanyhurst his countryman saith (r)(r) In Discript. Hibern. cap. 7. that he was afterwards Schoolmaster in Ireland and a learned and a vertuous Man, but telleth us not what he hath written, and therefore I suppose that what he did of that nature,Clar. 1570. was after Stanyhurst had given the said character of him. Contemporary with this Shaghens, or a little before, were Students in Oxon, these Irish Men following (1) Patrick Cusack a Gentleman born, who, after he had left Oxon was a Schoolmaster in Dublin, where his (s)(s) Ibid. admirable learning gave great light to his Country, but employed his studies rather in instructing of Scholars than in penning of Books. He wrot in Lat. Diversa Epigrammata. (2) One Dormer a Civilian, who was born at Rosse, and wrot (t)(t) Ib. in Ballad royal The decay of Ross. (3) One Sheine, who wrot (u)(u) Ib. De republica. See more among the Bishops, under the Year 1582 and in the Fasti, 1523. (4) Peter Lombard a most learned Man of his time, but did not take any Degree. See more of him in Pet. White among the writers, under the Year 1590. (5) Elias Sheth, who wrote Divers Sonnets. (6) One Taylor a Bach. of Arts, who proceeded in the University and wrot Epigrammata diversa. What his Christian name was I cannot justly say, because many of his Sirname and time did proceed Masters in this University, as Tho. Taylor in 1539. Will. Taylor 1541. and 1551. and Tho. Taylor of Alls. Coll. 1563. Whether this last be the same Th. Taylor who was a Lancashire Man born and chosen Fellow thereof 1557. or another, chosen in 1562, I know not. Many other Irish Men were also conversant in studies here, even till an University was founded at Dublin, after which time we had but few.