Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 580
Robert Sharroch
a Ministers son was born at Adstock near to, and in the County of, Buckingham, educated in Wyekhams School near Winchester, admitted perpetual Fellow of New Coll. an. 1649 or thereabouts, took the degrees in the Civil Law, that of Doctor being compleated in 1661, became afterwards Rector of Horewood in Buckinghamshire, Prebendary of Winchester, Rector of Bishops Waltham in Hampshire, a Justice of Peace for that County, and at length Archdeacon of Winchester in the place of Dr. Walt. Darrell deceased; in which Dignity he was installed 28. Apr. 1684, being then accounted learned in divinity, in the Civ. and Com. Law, and very knowing in Vegitables and all pertaining thereunto. He hath published,
The History of the propagating and improvement of Vegitables, by the concurrence of Art and Nature: shewing the several ways for the propagation of Plants usually cultivated in England, as they are increased by Seeds, Off-sets, Suckers, &c. Oxon 1660 and 1672 oct. An account of which book you may see in the Philosophical Transactions, numb. 84. p. 5002.
Hypothesis de Officiis secundum humanae rationis dictata seu naturae jus, unde casus omnes conscientiae quatenus notiones à naturâ supersunt dijudicari possint, &c. Oxon. 1660. oct. In this he writes against the Principia and Rationes of Hobbes of Malmsbury, belonging to Ethicks and Politicks. This book came out at Oxon again, in 1682 in a large octavo, with many additions to it, with the title a little alter’d and enlarg’d, and dedicated to the King.
Judicia (seu Legum censurae) de variis in continentiae speciebus, &c. Oxon. 1662 in a large oct.
De finibus virtutis Christianae. The ends of Christian religion, &c. justified in several discourses. Oxon 1673. qu. contained in ten Sermons. He also reviewed and compared with several copies Provinciale vetus provinciae Cantuariensis, cum selectioribus Linwodi annotationibus. Oxon. 1664. in a thick oct. He concluded his last day on the eleventh of July in sixteen hundred eighty and four and was buried in the Church of Bishops Waltham before mention’d.1684. In his Archdeaconry was installed Tho. Clutterbook D. D. Rector and Vicar of South Stoneham near Southampton, in his Prebendship Sam. Palmer M. A. somtimes of Mert. Coll. and in Bishops Waltham succeeded Franc. Morley M. A. of Ch. Ch. great Nephew to Dr. Morley Bishop of Winton, who about the said time had a Prebendship bestowed on him in the said Church of Winton on the resignation of Dr. Geo. Beaumont, by the said Bishop.