Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 631

John Shaw

a Ministers Son, was born at Bedlington in the County Pal. of Durham, educated in Grammar learning for the most part under Tho. Ingmethorp Rector of Great Stainton in the said County, was, at his first coming to the University, entred a Student in Qu. Coll. but making little stay there, he became a Batler of that of Brasnose, 2. Apr. 1629 aged 15 years or thereabouts, took one degree in Arts, and retiring soon after to his native Country, took holy Orders and exercised the Ministry for some years in the northern parts of England. In 1645 he was instituted and inducted Rector of Whalton in Northumberland, but not then admitted, because he was esteemed by the faction a zealous Royallist. Afterwards, with much ado, he obtained the Church of Bolton in Craven in Yorkshire, which being worth but 50 l. per an, (supposed then enough to maintain a malignant Minister) he was permitted to keep it during the sad affliction of the Church of England. In 1661, his Maj. K. Ch. 2. being then setled in the regal Throne, he was admitted to the Church of Whalton by John L. Bishop of Durham, was about the same time made Preacher of the Parochial Chappel of S. John in the Town and County of Newcastle upon Tyne, and chosen a member of the Convocation for Yorkshire (as he was again in 1679) and Procurator Cleri for the Archdeaconry of Northumberland. He hath written,

The Pourtraicture of the Primitive Saints in their actings and sufferings according to S. Paul’s canon, Heb. 11. One part whereof to verse 23 was preached at Newcastle, 1652. The other, from verse 22 to the end, was preached at the same place, an. 1659.—Both which were afterwards published in qu.

Origo Protestantium: or, an answer to a popish manuscript of N. N’s, that would fain make the Protestant Catholick Religion bear date at the very time when the Roman popish commenced in the world, wherein Protestancy is demonstrated to be elder than Popery. Lond. 1677. and 79. qu.

Answer to the Jesuits letter—Printed with the former book, and the Jesuits letter with it.

No reformation of the established religion. Lond 1685. oct. This loyal, religious and learned person died on the 22 of May in sixteen hundred eighty and nine,1689. and was buried in the Chap. or Church of S. John in Newcastle before mention’d, just before the altar. Soon after his ingenious Son Joh. Shaw belonging to the Cath. Church of Norwich bestowed an epitaph on his Fathers marble, part of which runs thus. Hic quod remanet Johannis Shaw hujus Ecclesiae Pastoris, Deo, Ecclesiae, Patriae, Regi pie fidelis, &c. Besides this John. Shaw was another of both his names and time, Minister of Hull in Yorkshire, author of several Sermons, among which are (1) Britannia rediviva: or, a soveraign remedy to cure a sick commonwealth, preached in the Minster at York before the Judges at the Assize, 9. Aug. 1649 (2) The Princess Royal, preached at the same place before the Judges 24, Mar. 1650. &c. And among other things he hath published a book entit. Mistriss Shawes tomb stone; or the Saints remains, being a brief narrative of some few remarkable passages in the holy life and happy death of Mrs. Dorothy Shaw the Wife of Mr. John Shaw, who died oh the 10. Dec. 1657. Lond. 1657. oct.