Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 608
Edward Sheldon
a younger Son of Edw. Sheldon of Beoley in Worcestershire Esq. was born there, on the 23 of Apr. 1599, became a Gent. Com. of Gloc. Hall, in the time of Dr. Hawley Principal thereof, about 1613, where spending three or more years, did afterwards travel beyond the Seas, and became Master of two languages (besides the Lat.) at least. Some years after his return, he setled on his Patrimony at Stratton near to Cirencester in Glocestershire, which at length he lost, or was forced to quit, for the cause of K. Ch. 1. and for his Religion, in the time of the grand rebellion raised and carried on by restless people. He hath translated from French into Engl. (1) The holy life of Gaston Joh. Bapt. de Renty a Nobleman of France. Lond. 1658. oct, mangled by an Irish Priest when it went to the press. It was printed there again with corrections, an. 1683. oct, (2) The rule of Cath. Faith, &c. Lond. 1660, there again (tho said in the title to be printed at Paris) with its old date, an. 1672, both in oct. This book was originally written by Franc. Veron D. D. (3) Christian thoughts for every day in the month. Lond. 1680. in tw. (4) The Counsels of wisdom. or a Collection of the Maxims of Solomon, &c. with reflections on the Maxims. Lond. 1680. oct. in two parts. Dedic. by the Translator to Qu. Catherine. This Mr. Sheldon who spent most of his time in studies and devotion, paid his tribute common to the condition of the living, in a good old age, in his house situate and being in S. James’s street near to S. James’s house, within the liberty of Westminster, on the 27 of March in sixteen hundred eighty and seven:1687. Whereupon his body was buried in the Chappel belonging to the said house of S. James’s. He had several Sons, among whom Lionel Sheldon a Benedictine, Doct. of Divinity, and Chaplain to Anne Duchess of York after she had changed her religion for that of Rome, was one, and Dominick Sheldon another, lately a Colonel of Horse, of prudent and couragious conduct in Ireland, in the Army of K. Jam. 2. against that of K. Will. 3. Among his daughters were Mary (one of the Dressers belonging to Queen Catherine) Wife of Sir Sam. Tuke of Cressing-Temple in Essex Kt and Bt, a person sometimes of compleat honour and ingenuity, a Colonel in the Army of his Majesty K. Ch. 1. and one of the prime Officers in that noble and generous expedition of Kent, Essex and Colchester, an. 1648, (for which he had like to have lost his life) afterwards a sufferer for his religion and loyalty, author of that celebrated Trag. Com. called The adventures of five hours. Lond. 1662, 64 and 1671 qu. He died in his house in the Parish of S. Mary le Savoy in the Strand near London, in May or June 1674, but where buried unless in the Church of that Parish, or in the Chap. at Somerset-house I know not. He the said Mr. Sheldon had another Dau. named Frances who was one of the Maids of honour to Qu. Catherine before mention’d, and was Uncle to Ralph Sheldon of Beoley Esq. commonly called Great Sheldon.