Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 574
Robert Sherebourne
, a Hampshire man born, was educated in Grammar learning in Wykehams School near to Winchester, became true and perpetual Fellow of New coll. in 1474. afterwards M. of A. and in Orders, Canon of Lincoln, Preb. of Whitechurch and Beneger in the Church of Wells, (which he resigned in Octob. 1493.) Archdeacon of Taunton, with the Preb. of Milverton annex’d, upon the resignation of Will. Worsley LL. D. in the month of Dec. 1496. Archdeacon of Huntingdon about the same time, and in 1499. Dean of S. Pauls Cathedral within the City of London, on the decease of the said W. Worslley, who had held with it other dignities, among which was the Archdeaconry of Nottingham, in which he was succeeded by Thom. Crosley in Aug. 1499. In 1505. he the said Rob. Sherebourne being elected Bishop of S. Davids under the title of Consiliarius regius, had restitution of the temporalities of that See made (a)(a) Pat. 20. Hen. 7. p. 2. m. 22. to him on the 12. of Apr. the same year; done in requiral of the many services and embassies which he had performed for his Master K. Hen. 7. In 1508. he was translated to the See of Chichester, and had the temporalities belonging thereunto delivered (b)(b) Pat. 24. Hen. 7. p. 2. m. 17. to him on the 13. Dec. that year. He was a person much given to hospitality, was very charitable to the poor, munificent to the coll. that had given him Acad. education, as may (c)(c) In Hist. & Antiq. univ. Oxon. lib. 2. p. 130. b. 131. a. elsewhere be seen, and bestowed much mony in beautifying and adorning his Cath. Ch. at Chichester. At length after he had resigned his Bishoprick, he gave way to fate (d)(d) Godw. in Corn. de praesul. Angl. int. ep. Cicester. on the 21. Aug. in fifteen hundred thirty and six, aged 86 years, or thereabouts, and was buried in the said Cath. Ch. in a poor remembrance (e)(e) In ult. test. in reg. Hogen Qu. 41. in Offic. praerog. Cant. that he had made there on the south side of the same Church. A certain note which Sir Will. Dugdale Garter K. of Arms, collected by himself, and afterwards communicated to me, informs, that the said R. Sherebourne founded a Free School in the time of Hen. 8. at Rowlston in Staffordshire, at which place he was born of mean parentage. But this note, which he could not then tell whence he had, I reject, because the register of New coll. tells us that he was born in Hampshire, where is a Town called Sherbourne, in which he, or at least his Father or Grandfather, was, as ’tis probable, born. After he had resigned his Bishoprick Mr. Rich. Sampson Dean of the Kings Chappel, being elected thereunto, had the temporalities thereof given (*)(*) Pat. 28. Hen. 8. p. [•] . to him 4. July 28. Hen. 8. Dom. 1536.