Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 606

Mathew Sheyne

, an Irish man born, laid a foundation of literature here in Oxon, which afterwards he well improved. At length returning to his Country, was, thro several preferments made Bishop of Cork and Cloyne; to which being (*)(*) Jac. Waraeus in Com. de praesul. Hib [] rn. p. 213: consecrated in 1572. sate thereto the time of his death; which hapned according to some, on the thirteenth day of June in fifteen hundred eighty 1582 and two. Whether this M. Sheyne or John Sheyne was the author of the book De reipublica, I cannot yet tell. See in Rich. Shagens among the writers, under the year 1570. and in the Fasti 1523.