Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 10

Nathaniel Simpson

was born at Skypton in the County and Diocess of York, admitted scholar of Trin. Coll. 28 May 1616 aged 17 years, took the degrees in Arts, became Fellow of the said house 1630, and the year after Bach. of Div. He hath written

Arithmeticae compendium. printed 1622. oct. The beginning of which is Arithmetica est scientia bene numerandi, &c. It was composed purposely for the use of the Juniors of the said Coll. but so scarce it is now, that I could never see but one copy. This Mr. Simpson died in Octob. (on the same day that Edghill fight hapned) in sixteen hundred forty and two,1642. and was buried in Trinity Coll. Chappel. I have been informed by some of his Contemporaries, that he had not only enlarged that Compendium, but had other things of that nature, lying by him fit for the press.