Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 549
Mathew Smalwood
son of Jam. Smal. of Middlewick in Cheshire, was born in that County, became a Student in this Univ. 1628 aged 16 years, Scholar of Brasn. Coll. two years after, took the degrees in Arts, and left the University for a time. In 1642. Nov. 1. he was actually created Master of Arts, being then in holy Orders, and a sufferer in those times, if I mistake not, for the royal cause. After his Majesties restauration in 1660, he was actually created D. of D. by vertue of the Kings Letters for that purpose, was about that time made a Dignitary, and in 1671 Dean of Lichfield in the place of Dr. Tho. Wood promoted to the See thereof. He hath published
Several Sermons, as one upon Gen. 5.24. another on Prov. 11.18. a third on Math. 5.34. &c. All printed after his Maj. restauration. He died at Market Bosworth in Leicestershire on the 26 of Apr. in sixteen hundred eighty and three,168 [•] . being then there to attend the funeral of Sir Wolstan Dixey, and was some days after buried in the Cath. Church of Lichfield. In his Deanery succeeded Dr. Lancelot Addison of Qu. Coll. in Oxon.