Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 475

John Smith

the eldest son of a Gentleman, was born in Bucks, admitted a Communer of Brasn. Coll. 7. Aug. 1647 aged 17 years, took the degrees in Arts, entred on the Physick line, proceeded in that faculty 1659, and at length became one of the Coll. of Physitians, and eminent for his practice in London. He hath written and published,

The Portraict of old age: wherein is contained a sacred Anatomie both of soul and body, and a perfect account of the infirmities of age incident to them both: Being a Paraphrase upon the six former verses of the twelfth Chapter of Ecclesiastes Lond 1666. oct. &c. Tis a philosophical discourse, tho upon a sacred theme, and therein is to be met with an ingenious observation concerning the antiquity of the doctrine of the bloods circulation. See in the Philosoph, Transactions, numb. 14. p. 254. Matth. Poole in his second vol. of Synopsis, makes an honorable mention and use of it. This learned Doctor died in his house in the Parish of S. Helen the Great in London, in Winter time, either in Octob. or Nov. in sixteen hundred seventy and nine,1679. and was buried in the Church there, in a vault near his wife. One John Smith a Physitian published The compleat practice of Physick, wherein is described, &c. Lond. 1656. in tw: but he is not the same, I suppose, with the former: Quaere.