Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 224

Samuel Smith

a Ministers Son, was born in Worcestershire, entred a Batler of S. Maries Hall in the beginning of 1603 (1 Jac. 1.) aged 15, left the University without a degree, became beneficed at Prettlewell in Essex, and afterwards, about the beginning of K. Ch. 1. in his own Country; where continuing till the Rebellion began in 1642, did then, or the year following retire to London for shelter, sided with the Presbyterians and became a frequent Preacher among them. Afterwards he returned to his Cure, had another confer’d on him in Shropshire, was an Assistant to the Commissioners of that County for the ejection of such whom they called scandalous and ignorant Ministers and Schoolmasters, lived after his Majesties Restoration, and soon after was, as I have been informed, silenced. His works, which are mostly Sermons, are these.

Davids blessed man: or, a short Exposition upon the first Psalme, &c. Lond. in oct. Printed the tenth time in 1638. and the fifteenth time in 1686. in tw.

Davids repentance: or, a plain and familiar Exposition of the 51 Psalme, &c. Lond. 1618. 19. in tw. &c.

Several Sermons, as (1) Joseph and his Mistris, &c. in 5 Sermons on Gen. &c. Lond. 1619. octavo. (2) Noahs dove: or, tydings of peace to the godly, fun. sermon on Psal. 37. ver. 37. Lond. 1619. oct. (3) Christs preparation to his own death, in three sermons on Luke Lond. 1620. oct. (4) Christs last Supper: or, the doctrine of the Sacrament, &c. in 5 sermons on 1 Cor. 11.28.29. Lond. 1620. oct. (5) A christian taske, sermon at the Funeral of Mr. John Lawson Gent. at Prettlewell in Essex, 28 Dec. 1619, on Psal. 90.12. Lond. 1620. oct. (6) The great Assize: or the day of Jubilee; in which we must make a general accompt of all our actions before Almighty; in four sermons on the 20 Chapter of the Revel. &c.—Printed at Lond. one and thirty times, the last impression of which was an. 1684. octavo. At the end are Prayers to be said privately by single persons. (7) A fold for Christs sheep, in two sermons upon the first Chapt. of the Canticles, ver. 7.8.—Printed two and thirty times; the last impression of which was at Lond. 1684. oct. (8) The Ethiopian Eunuchs Conversion, the sum of 30 sermons upon part of the 8 Chapter of the Acts. Lond. 1632. oct.

The Christians guide, with rules and directions for leading an holy life. As meditations and prayers suitable to all occasions—Printed several times in tw.

The chief Sheppard: or, an exposition on the 23 Psal. Lond. 1625. oct.

The admirable Convert: or, the miraculous conversion of the Thief on the Cross, &c. Lond. 1632. oct.

Moses his prayer: or, an exposition of the 19 Psal. &c. Lond. 1656. oct.

Looking-glass for Saints and Sinners: or, an exposition on the 2 Epist. of S. John. Lond. 1663. oct. He hath written other things which I have not yet seen, and was living an aged man near Dudley in Worcestershire, Clar. 1663. in sixteen hundred sixty and three. I have made mention of another Sam. Smith under the year 1620, who was first of Magd. Hall and afterwards of Magd. Coll. and shall of a third, sometimes of S. Johns Coll. (now living) when his turn comes.