Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 57
Thomas Solme
, called by some Sulmo, Sowlman, and Solimont, was born in the Isle of Gernsey, educated for a time in this University, and was afterwards Secretary of the French tongue to King Hen. 8. This Person who was much conversant in English History, wrot,
The acts and ghests of St. Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury.
Select antiquities relating to Britain.—And dying in fifteen (t)(t) Bal. cent. 9. nu. 32. hundred forty and five, 1545 was buried in the Monastery of the Carmes or Carmelites at London, leaving behind him the Character (u)(u) In Encomiis illustr. virorum, per Jo. Leland. p. 31. of a learned Man. I find one Tho. Solme to be Author of a Treatise entit. The Lords Flaile; being an exposition on the commandments. Printed at Basil in oct. but when, (unless in the time of Qu. Mary) the beginning or end of the Book shews not. One Tho. Somus a Preacher in the time of Ed. 6. hath English Verses at the end of Will. Turners Book entit. A preservative or Triacle, printed in oct. an. 1551. Whether these two last be one and the same Person I know not; nor can I be positive in it, whether Tho. Solme Author of the Lords Flaile, be the same with Thom. Solme the Historian.