Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 470

William Sparke

, Son of Tho. Sparke, whom I have mentioned under the year 1616. was born at Bletchley in Buc [] s, became a Commoner of Magd. hall in Lent-Term 1602-3. aged 16. Demie of Magd. coll. 5. June 1606. and soon after Fellow thereof. Afterwards, being M. of A. he was made Chaplain to the Duke of Bucks, Rector of Bletchley after his Father’s decease, Divinity Reader of Magd. coll. and in 1629. Bach. of Div. He hath written,

Vis naturs, & [] irtus vitae explicata, ad univ [••] sam doctrine ordinem constituendum. Lond. 1612. oct.

The mystery of Godliness: A general discourse of the reason that is in Christian Religion, &c. Oxon. 1628. qu. These are all that I have seen that go under the name, and therefore I can say no more of him,Clar. 1630: only that he was living at Bletchley in sixteen hundred and thirty. I find one of both his names of Magd. coll. who was admitted Bac. of Physick. 3. Dec. 1645. by vertue of the Letters of the Chanc. of the Univ. which say, that [〈◊〉] deserved well for having [〈◊〉] very [〈◊〉] against Enemies, and contributed much of his skill to his, and our Loyal Friends, &c. This Will. Spark, who became a Student in Magd. coll. an. 1639. was Son to the former.