Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 537

John Speed

, Son of Jo. Sp. the Chronologer, was born in London, elected Scholar of S. John’s coll. from Merchant Taylors School in 1612. aged 17. Afterwards he was made Fellow thereof, M. of A. Bach. and Doctor of Physick of this Univ. In which last faculty he became eminent (especially for the practick part) among the Academians; and had, if death had not snatched him too soon away, published several matter of it. He hath written,

〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 utriusque sexus 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 —MS. written in Latine, dedicated to Dr. Laud Archb. of Cantab. and reserved in S. John’s coll. Library as a rarity. The said MS. points at, and hath relation to, the two Skeletons (one of a man, another of a woman) standing at the north end of the Mathematick Library of the said college; which Skeletons were made, and given to the said Library, by our author Dr. Speed, who hath also written,

Stonehenge, a pastoral—Acted before Dr. Rich. Baylie the President, and Fellows, of the said coll. in their common refectory, at what time the said Doctor was returned from Salisbury, after he had been installed Dean thereof, an. 1635. The said Pastoral is not printed, but goes about in MS. from hand to hand. Dr. Speed who was, by all persons that knew him, accounted an ingenious man, 1640 died in the month of May, in sixteen hundred and forty, and was buried in the Chappel of S. John’s coll. leaving then behind him a Son named Samuel, who was aftera Student of Ch. Ch. and M. of A. (installed Canon of the said Church on the death of Dr. Seb. Smith, on the sixth day of May 1674.) and another named John, afterwards Fellow of St. John’s coll. and Doctor of Physick, living now at Southampton.