Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 434

Alexander Spicer

, a Minister’s Son, and a Somersetshire man born, became a Batler of Exeter coll. in 1590. aged about 15. took one degree in Arts, was made Fellow of that house and proceeded in his Faculty. At length entring into the Sacred Function, was a Preacher for some years in these parts: Afterwards upon an invitation, he went into Ireland, where by the savour of Sir Arthur Chichester Baron of Belfast, and L. Dep. of that Country, he became well beneficed and dignified, and in great estimation for his learning. He hath published,

Davids Petition, on Psal. 19. 13. Lond. 1616. oct.

The Pope at Babylon. Serm. on the 5. of Nov. at Colerain in the North of Ireland, on Dan. 3. 6. Lond. 1617.

Elegies on the death of Arthur Lord Chichester, &c.—Printed 1625. which Lord dying much about the time that K. Jam. 1. of England died, was buried at [〈◊〉] in Ireland, to the great grief of his Country, because it was in such a time that it most required his assistance. courage, and wisdom, which are often at odds, and seldom meet, yet in him shook hands as friends, and challenged an equal share in his perfections.Clar 1626. Other things were written and published by the said A. Spicer, as some of the Seniors of his coll. have informed me, but such I have not yet seen, nor do I know any thing besides of the author, only that he left behind him the character of an able Scholar, and solid Divine.