Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 486
Robert Stafford
, a Knight’s Son, was born within the City of Dublin in Ireland, entred a Sojournour in Exeter coll. under the tuition of Mr. Joh. Prideaux, an. 1604. aged 16. but took no degree as I can yet find. He published,
A Geographical and Anthological description of all the Empires and Kingdoms, both of Continent and Islands in this Terrestial Globe,Clar. 1620: &c. Lond. 1618. and 34. qu. Usher’d into the World by the commendatory verses of Tho. Rogers, Caspar Thomannus of Zuriche (sometimes an Oxf. Student) Joh. Glanvill and Joh. Prideaux. Which last was supposed to have had a chief hand in the campiling the said book, as the tradition goes in Exeter coll. The said Rob. Stafford lived afterwards in Devon, (at Dowlton, I think) and had a Son of the same coll.