Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 580
Edward Staple
received his first breathings in this World in Lincolnshire, studied Logic and Philosophy for a time in this University, and went afterwards to Cambridge, where he took the degree of Master of Arts. Thence returning to Oxon was incorporated in that degree, and in the latter end of 1525. supplicated the venerable congregation of Regents that he might be admitted to the reading of the sentences, being then one of the canons of Card. Wolseys college; but whether he was really admitted, it dot not appear. In 1530. he, by provision from P. Clem. 7. became (*)(*) Ibid. p. 38. Bishop of Meath in Ireland, being at that time Warden or Master of S. Bartholomews Hospital in London; which, for some time he kept in commendam with his Bishoprick. At length Qu. Mary coming to the Crown,Clar. 1554. he was deprived of the said Bishoprick, (for being married as I suppose) in the year 1554. and soon after died. In the said See succeeded one Will. Walsh D. D. of whom I shall speak more under the year 1576.