Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 429

John Stradling

, Son of Franc. Stradling by Elizabeth his Wife, was born near to Bristow in Somersetshire, but descended from an antient and Knightly family of his name, living at S. Donats in Glamorganshire, was educated in puerile learning under a learned and pious man named Edw. Green Prebendary of the Cath. Ch. at Bristow, became a Commoner of Brasnose coll. in 1579. aged 16. years or thereabouts, and in 1583. he took a degree in arts as a member of Magd. hall, being then accounted a miracle for his forwardness in learning and pregnancy of parts. Soon after his great worth being discovered in the Metropolis, while he continued in one of the Inns of Court (but especially after he had return’d from his travels beyond the Seas) was courted and admired by the Learned Camden, Sir Joh. Harrington the Poet, Tho. Leyson mention’d before, under the year 1607. and above all, by that most noted Critick and Physitian Dr. Jo. Dav. Rhese. He hath written and published,

De vita & morte contemnenda, lib. 3. Francof. 1597. in oct. written to his Uncle Sir Edw. Stradling of S. Donats, whom I have mention’d under the year 1609.

Epigrammatum libri quatuor. Lond. 1607. in oct. Two years after he became heir to his Uncle before mention’d, setled at S. Donats Castle, and was made a Baronet in 1611. at which time he was esteemed a wise and most learned Gentleman. Afterwards being involved in secular affairs and the services of his Country, was taken off from writing till the latter end of the raign of K. Jam. 1. at which time he published a book intit.

Beati pacifici. Printed 1623. but whether in prose or verse I cannot tell, for I have not yet seen it. Afterwards he published,

Divine Poems in seven several Classes,Clar. 1625. written to K. Ch. 1. Lond. 1625. qu. At the end of which is an Epitaph made by him on K. Jam. 1. I have sent several times, to several persons in Wales, to have some account of this person, his last end, and his Epitaph, but no returns are yet made.