Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 342
John Strickland
was born of, and descended from, an antient and gentile family of his name in the County of Westmorland, became a Batler of Qu. Coll. in the beginning of the year 1618 aged 17 years, took the degrees of Arts, holy Orders and was made Chaplain, as I have been informed, to the Earl of Hertford. In the month of May 1632 he was admitted Bach. of Div. and in Dec. following he became Rector of Middleton alias Pudimore Milton in Somersetshire by the presentation of Sir John Horner Knight. &c. This person, who was always puritanically affected, sided with the rebellious party in the beginning of the Civil War, took the Covenant, was made one of the Assembly of Divines, preached frequently before the Long Parliament, exciting the members thereof to proceed in their blessed cause, prayed several times ((*))((*)) See in a book intit. A short view of the late troubles in England. Oxon. 1681. fol. Written by Sir Will. Dugdale, p. 567. blasphemously, and in 1645 or thereabouts, was made Minister of S. Peters le poor in London, where he exercised his gifts against the King and his party, and was never wanting to excite his Auditors to carry on the said Cause. Afterwards he was made Minister of S. Edmunds Church in Salisbury, was constituted an Assistant to the Commissioners of Wilts. for the ejection of such whom they then (1654) called scandalous, ignorant and insufficient Ministers and Schoolmasters, and took upon him great authority in his Apostleship, especially if he had to do with the loyal and suffering Clergy. He hath published,
Several Sermons as (1) Gods work of mercy in Sions misery, Fast-Sermon before the House of Commons, 27. Dec. 1643 on Isay 10.20. Lond. 1644. qu. (2) A discovery of peace. or, the thoughts of the Almighty for the ending of the peoples calamities, &c. on Jer. 29.11. Lond. 1644. qu. (3) Immanuel: or, the Churches triumph in God with us, &c. Thanksgiving serm. before the House of Lords, 5. Nov. 1644. on Psal. 26.7. Lond. 1644. qu. (4) Mercy rejoycing against Judgment, Fast-serm. before the House of Commons 29. Oct. 1645, on Isay 30.18. Lond. 1645. qu. In his Epist. dedic. to the House of Com. he desires them to have a care how they plant the towns in Cumberland and Northumberland with able preachers, that they reform the Universities, &c. He hath other Sermons extant which I have not yet seen. See more of him in Hum. Chambers under the year 1662. p. 207. This Mr. Strickland, who is stiled by one ((†))((†)) Fred. Lossius Medic. Dorchest. in Observat. medicinalib. Lond. 1672 oct. lib. 1. observat. 8. of his opinion Praeco fidelissimus, and so he was esteemed by the factious party, was ejected from his Living for his refusal to conform to the service and ceremonies of the Church of England, an. 1662: Whereupon keeping Conventicles in, and near, Salisbury, was several times, as I have been informed, imprisoned.1670. At length giving way to fate, in sixteen hundred and seventy, was buried on the 25 of Octob. in the Church of S. Edmund before mention’d, being then accompanied to his grave by many of his perswasion.