Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 454
Christopher Sutton
, a Hampshire man born was entred a Batler or Commoner of Hart hall in 1582. aged 17. translated soon after to Linc. coll. and as a Memb. thereof took the degrees in Arts. Afterwards entring into Orders, he became successively Vicar of Roneham in Essex, Parson of Caston in his own Country, Parson of Woodrising in Norfolk, Parson of Murley-Bromley in Essex, and at length of Cranworth in Norfolk. Which two last he kept to his dying day, with his Prebendship of Westminster that had been bestowed on him by K. Jam. 1. for his excellent and florid preaching. His works are,
Disce vivere. Learn to live. Lond. 1608. in tw. and several times after.
Disce Mori, Learn to die. Lond. 1609. in tw. and several times after. In both which is shewed in what manner every well disposed Christian may learn first, how to live the life of the righteous, and how to die the death of the righteous.
Godly meditations upon the most holy Sacrament of the Lords Supper, &c. Lond. 1622. &c. in tw. the thirteenth edition of which came out in 1677.
Append. touching the controversie about the holy Eucharist—Printed with the Godly meditation [•] , &c.
Godly meditations concerning the divine presence.—Printed also with the former Meditat. He [•] eparted this mortal life in May or June, in sixteen hundred twenty and nine, 1629 and was buried, as I have been informed, in the Abby Church of S. Peter at Westminster, before the Vestry dore, where the choir-men keep their Supplices, to whom he gave five pounds. In his Prebendship (given to him much about the time of the death of Dr. Joh. Yong B. of Rochester, who kept that Prebendship in Commendam with his See) succeeded Lambert Osbaldeston M. A. as I shall else where tell you.