Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 494

William Sutton

, a Citizens Son, was born in London, sent by his Relations from Merchant-Taylors School to Ch. Ch. in 1578. aged 15. or thereabouts, took the degrees in Arts, entred into the Sacred Function, and in the year 1592. was admitted to the reading of the Sentences; about which time he was Parson of Blandford St. Mary in Dorsetshire, and Vicar of Sturminster-Marshal in the same County. He was a very learned man, an excellent Orator, Latinist, Grecian, and Preacher. He had a well furnish’d Library, wrote much, but ordered his Son to print nothing after his death. All that was made publick in his life-time, was only this.

The falshood of the chief grounds of the Romish Religion, descried and convinced in a brief answer to certain motives sent by a Priest to a Gentleman to induce him to turn Papist.—Which book stealing into the Press, and coming out full of faults, his Son Will. Sutton Bach. of Div. of Ch. Ch. corrected and reprinted it after his Fathers death Lond. 1635. in oct. or tw. He finished his course about the latter end of Octob. in sixteen hundred thirty and two,1632. and was buried in the Church of Blandford St. Mary beforementioned. I have been informed that other things of our author Will. Sutton were published after his death, but such I have not yet seen.