Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 435
John Terry
received his first breath at LongSutton in Hampshire, was elected Probationer Fellow of New college from Winchester School, in 1574. and two years after he was made compleat Fellow. In 1582. he proceeded in Arts, and about 8 years after had the Parsonage of Stockton (in Wilts) confer’d upon him, where he always expressed himself a zealous Enemy against the R. Catholicks not only in his Lectures and Sermons, but also in his writings; the titles of which follow.
Theological Logick: Or, the trial of truth containing a discovery of the chiefest points of the doctrine of the great Antichrist, and his Adherents the false Teachers of the times. Oxon. 1600. qu. In 1602. was published the second part of Theol. Logick, and in 1625. the third part, both in qu. and the last dedicated to the B. of Bath and Wells.
Reasonableness of wise and holy truth, and the absurdity of foolish and wicked errour, Serm. on Joh. 17. ver. 17. Oxon. 1617. qu.
Defence of Protestancy,Clar. 1626. proving that the Protestants Religion hath the promise of Salvation, &c. Lond. 1635. second edition. Before which time the author was dead.