Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 378
Thomas Thompson
, a very noted preacher in the time he lived, was born in the County of Cumberland, wedded to the Muses in Queens coll. in Mich. Term 1589. aged 15, made a poor serving child of that house in the year following, afterwards Tabarder, and in 99. Fellow, being then Master of Arts. About that time addicting his mind severely to the studies of the superiour faculty, became a noted Disputant, Schoolman and very familiar with the Fathers. At length leaving the coll. about the time he was adwitted Bach. of Div. (which was 1609.) he became one of the publick preachers in the City of Bristow, and Minister of S. Thomas Church there, where he was much followed and admired for his edifying and orthodox doctrine. Afterwards leaving that City, in 1612. (upon what account I know not) he became Minister in the town and liberties of Montgomery in Wales; where, if I mistake not, he continued till the time of his death. He hath written and published,
Concio ad clerum de clavibus regni coelorum, habita pro forma Oxon. intemplo B. Mariae 16. Feb. an. 1609. in Matth. 16. ver. 19. Lond. 1612. oct.
De votis monasticis. Theses disputatae sub pr [•] sidio Tho. Holland Reg. prof. Printed with the former [〈◊〉] Serm.
Besides these two things, he hath.
Several Sermons in English, as (1) A diet for a Drunkard, in two Sermons in the Church of S. Nich. in Bristow, on Ester 1. 8. Lond. 1612. qu. (2) Friendly farewell to a faithful [•] lock taken in a Sermon preached in S. Thomas Church in Bristow, on Easter Tuseday, 6. Apr. 1612. on 2 Cor. 13. ver. 14. Lond. 1616.Clar. 1618. qu. (3) Antichrist arraigned, Sermon at Pauls Cross, on 1 Joh. 2. 18, 19, 20. Lond. 1618. qu. (4) The trial of Guides by the touchstone of Teachers, &c. Serm. on Luke 6. 39, 40. Lond. 1618. qu. dedicated to Richard Bishop of St. Asaph, his Patron. These are all that I have seen going under his name, and all that I yet know of the author.