Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 653

John Thornborough

sometimes of S. Mary Magdalens Coll, was consecrated Bishop of Limerick in Ireland, an. 1593, translated thence to Bristow 1603, and to Worcester in the latter end of the year 1616. He departed this mortal life in the month of July, in sixteen hundred forty and one,1641. under which year you may see more of him among the Writers, p. 1.2. In the See of Bristow he was succeeded by Nich. Felton D. D. and Master of Pembroke Hall in Cambridge, consecrated thereunto on the 14 of Dec. 1617; where sitting about 15 months, he was translated to Ely, 14 Mar. 1618: And in the See of Worcester succeeded Dr. Jo. Prideaux, as I shall tell you elsewhere.