Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 358
Robert Tighe
was born at Deeping in Lincolnshire, received part of his Academical education, as it seems, in Magd. coll. whence going to Cambridge, he took the degrees in Arts there, and then returning to the said coll. again, was not only incorporated in that degree, but admitted to the reading of the Sentences, in 1596. Afterwards he went to Cambridge again, took the degree of D. of D. being about that time Vicar of Allhallows Barkin near to the Tower of London, and going to Oxon again, was incorporated there, an. 1610. at which time, he was Archdeacon of Middlesex. He was an excellent Textuary, and a profound Linguist, which was the reason (as ’tis said) why he was imployed by King James 1. in the translation of the Bible, in 1604. What else he translated, or wrote. I know not, nor any thing besides, only that he died about the beginning of Nov. in sixteen hundred and seventeen, 1617 after he had been Vicar of the said Church from 1604. to the beginning of 1616. leaving behind him a Widdow named Mary. In his Archdeaconry succeeded Dr. Will. Goodwin Dean of Ch. Ch. Oxon.