Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 660
Henry Tilson
a Yorkshire man born, was entred a Student in Balliol Coll. in the beginning of the year 1593, took one degree in Arts as a member of that house four years after, tho in the Fasti, 1596 I have said, by an errour, of Univ. Coll, and soon after was elected one of Skyrlawes Fellows of the said Coll. of University, and took the degree of Master as a member of that house. In Oct. 1615 he was made Vicar of Rachdale in Yorkshire, by the death of R. Kenion, and afterwards being made known to that most generous Count Thomas Earl of Strafford, he became his Chaplain, went with him in that quality to Ireland, when that Count was made L. Lieutenant thereof. Soon after he was by him made Dean of the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, (commonly called Ch. Ch.) in Dublin, where continuing in good esteem for his learning and piety, had the See of Elphine. confer’d on him, to which being consecrated on the 23. of Sept. 1639, endured soon after great misery by the rebellion that broke out in Ireland 1641. Afterwards he retired to his native Country, setled at Southill hall in Yorkshire, spent there the chief part of his time, and dying ((c))((c)) Jac. War. ut supra, p. 260. in peace 31. of March in sixteen hundred fifty and five,1655. aged 80 years or thereabouts, was buried in the Chancel of the neighbouring Church of Dewsbury. In the said See of Elphine succeeded John Parker D. D. in the latter end of the year 1660.