Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 352

Robert Tinley

, a Kentish Man born, became a Commoner of Magd. hall in the latter end of 1578. aged 17. or thereabouts, was translated soon after to Magd. coll. of which he became Demy, and at length Fellow. In 1595. he was elected one of the Proctors of the University, being then esteemed a Man of parts, and an eloquent Preacher. Afterwards being made Vicar of Wytham or Wictham in Essex, as also, if I mistake not, Minister of Glemsford in Suffolk, and at length Archdeacon of Ely, took the degrees in Divinity, and had then the general character of a person well read in the Fathers, but withal, a most bitter Enemy to Papists. He hath written and published,

Of the mischievious subtility and barbarous cruelty of the Romish Synagogue, on Psal. 124. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Lond. 1609. qu.

Of the false Doctrines and refined Heresies of the Rom. Synagogue, on Matth. 7. 15, 16.—Printed there the same year. In the first are examined divers passages of that English Libel, written by a certain Fugitive against the Apology of the Oath of Allegiance. In the other are answered many of the arguments published by Rob. Chambers, Priest, concerning Popish Miracles. He hath written other things, as ’tis said, but such I have not yet seen, nor do I know any thing else of him, only that he concluding his last day in sixteen hundred and sixteen,1616: was buried, as I presume, at Wytham before-mentioned, leaving then behind him a Son named Martin Tinley, afterwards a Member of Ch. Ch. in this University.