Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 66

David Tolley

or Talley called by Leland the Antiquary Tavelegus, and by himself Taulaeus, was born at a Mercate Town call’d Kingsbridge in Devonshire, became a Student of this University about 1517. (9. H. 8.) took the Degrees of Arts, as a Member of the Hall of St. Mary the Virgin, that of Master being compleated 1527. About that time he applyed his Genie to the faculty of Medicine, took the Degree of Bachelaur, and in 1534. and before, he was dispens’d with by the venerable Regents to proceed in the said faculty; but whether he was admitted or proceeded, it doth not appear. Sure I am, that he was then noted to be very able for the practice therein in this University, accounted also a good Latinist and Grecian, and to be a Person (*)(*) Ibid. in Bulco de Script. Maj. Britan. cent. 9. nu. 52. praeclari ingenii, atque optimarum artium cognitione locupletus. He hath written,

Progymnasmata Grammaticae Graecae. Written for the use of Prince Ed. and to him dedicated by the Author, with an Epistle before it beginning thus, Octavus jam agitur annus, &c.

Grammatica Regia.

Themata Homeri. With other matters pertaining to Grammar. In 1547. or thereabouts, I find this Dav. Tolley to be made one of the senior Students of Ch. Ch. by the name of David Towle, (being then 41 Years of Age) after K. Hen. 8. had settled the Cathedral there; at which time and before,Clar. 155 [] . he taught Grammar to young Students of this University. When he died I know not, nor any thing else of him, only that his name occurs among the senior Students that were Theologists of that house, in the Years 1551. and 52. Joh. Baleus in his Manuscript ()() Inter cod. MS. Selden. p. 33. b. De Scriptoribus Anglicis stiles this Dav. Tolley, Angliae Papistarum Malleus, being probably then (temp. Ed. 6.) so accounted, but in his Printed Book published at Basil 1559, he mentioneth no such matter, which makes me think that Tolley conform’d in the time of Qu. Mary. if he was then living.