Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 401
Thomas Tomkins
son of Joh. Tomk. somtimes Organist of S. Pauls Cathedral, was born in Aldersgatestreet (in the Parish of S. Botolph) in London, educated in Virtue and Learning from his cradle by the care of his Uncle Nathan. Tomkins Prebendary of Worcester, became a Commoner of Ball. Coll. in Act term 1651, probat. Fellow of Alls. in 1657, and taking the degree of M. of A. was elected one of the Proctors of the University for year 1663. Afterwards he became Chaplain to Dr. Sheldon Archb. of Canterbury, Rector of Lambeth in Surrey, Monks-Risborow in Bucks. and at length Chancellour of the Cath. Ch. of Exeter, and D. of D. The Archb. valued him so much that he kept him many years Chaplain in his house, and resolving never to part with, made, him Rector of Lambeth before mention’d, which he kept to his dying day. The books that he hath published are these.
The Rebells plea examined: or, Mr. Baxters judgment concerning the late warr, &c. Lond. 1660. qu.
Short Strictures: or, animadversions on so much of Mr. Zach. Croftons (Fastning of S. Peters bounds) as concern the reasons of the Univers. of Oxon concerning the Covenant, Lond. 1661. oct.
The inconveniencies of toleration: or, an answer to a book called. A proposition made to the K. and parl, &c. Lond. 1667. qu.
The modern pleas for toleration, comprehension, &c. considered and discussed. Lond. 1675. oct. This book came out the second time with this title, The new distemper: or, the Dissenters usual pleas for comprehension, toleration and renouncing the Covenant considered and discussed. Lond. 1680. oct. To which is a large Preface written by Sam. Thomas Chantour of Ch. Ch. in Oxon. now Vicar of Chard in Sommersetsh. The first edition of this book (1675) is reflected upon by Mr. Rich. Baxter in his Apol. for the Nonconformists ministry, &c. from p. 147. to p. 154. This Dr. Tomkins died at Exeter in sixteen hundred seventy and five, and his body being carried into Wocestershire, 1675. was buried in the Chancel of the Church at Marton near Droitwych . Soon after was a marble table fastned to the wall, over his grave, with this inscripton thereon. Thomas Tomkins SS. Theologiae Professor, Coll. Om. An. Oxon. olim Socius, reverendiss. Archi-Episcopo Cantuariensi à sacris, Ecclesiae cathedralis Exon. Cancellarius, Lambethanae, &c. Rector: Ecclesiae Anglicanae contra Schismaticos assertor exiimius. Vir ingenio, judicio, memoriâ, literaturâ & eloquentiâ clarus. Exoniae morbo correptus, obiit Augusti 20 an. Dom. 1675. aetat. 37. Cujus corpus huc translatum, hic subtus quiescit. Over his grave is laid a flat stone, with an inscription thereon, containing his name, dignity, and death, which for brevity sake I now omit. In his Rectory of Lambeth succeeded Dr. George Hooper of Ch. Ch, in Monks-Risborow John Wolley M. A. of Trin. Coll. and in his Chancellourship Dr. Joh. Copleston of Cambridge Canon of Exeter, the same who was elected Provost of Kings Coll. in that University, 24. Aug. 1681.