Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 618

Giles Tomson

a Londoner born, was entred an Exhibitioner of Vniversity coll. in 1571. took the degrees in Arts, and in 1580. was elected fellow of Allsouls coll. In 1586. he was one of the Proctors of the University, and about that time Divinity reader of Magd. coll. When he was a Junior, he gave (*)(*) Bries view of the state of the Church of England, &c. p. 152. a great hope and good presage of his future excellency, having a rare gift ex tempore in all his School Exercises, and such a happy wit to make use of all occurrences to his purpose, as if he had not taken the occasions, as they fell out by accident, but rather bespoken such pretty accidents to fall out to give him the occasions. Afterwards he was chaplain to the Qu. Residentiary of Hereford, Rector of Pembridge in Herefordshire, was installed Dean of Windsore, 2. March 1602. being then Doct. of div. Scribe or Registrary of the most noble Order of the Garter, and a most eminent Preacher. At length being nominated and elected B. of Glocester, had restitution of the temporalities belonging to it, made to him (g)(g) Pat. 9. Jac. 1. p. 21. on 27. June 1611. and was in the next month consecrated thereunto, with liberty then allowed to him to keep his Deanery in Commendam for one year and no longer. He departed this mortal life, to the great grief of all that knew the piety and learning of the man (after he had taken a great deal of pains, at the command of K. Jam. 1. in translating the four Gospels, Acts of the Apostles and Apocalyps) on the 14. June in sixteen hundred and twelve. 1612 Whereupon his body was buried in Brays chappel on the south side of that of S. George at Windsore, and had soon after a monument put over him, with his Bust to the middle, and this inscription under it. Individua Trinitati per omnia saecula, sit gloria per quam sui, sum, ero. Hic situs est Aegidius Tomson hujus Capcllae quondam Decanus, cujus mens sincera, lingua docta, manus munda fuit. Londini natus, educatus Oxoniae in collegio Omnium Animarum. Bonorum, Indigentium, Eruditorum amantissimus semper vixit, cujus corpus quamvis mortalitas terrae subjecit, illius tamen animam pietas caelis inseruit. Hunc virum moribus gravem, prudentia insignem, pietate summum, haec Regia Capella per annos decem Decanum habuit. Inde a serenissimo Rege Jacobo in Episcopatum Glouc. Commendatum, mors intempestiva (anno decurso) praesulem rapuit. Obiit 14. Junii An. Dom. 1612. aetat. 59.