Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 274

Hayword Townshend

eldest Son of Sir Hen. Townshend Knight, Justice of Chester, by Susan his first Wife, daughter of Sir Rowland Hayward of London Knight, was a Shropshire man born, became a Gentleman Commoner of St. Maries Hall, about the beginning of the year 1590. took one degree in Arts, being about that time a Student in the Municipal Law in Lincolns-Inn, and was afterwards a Barrester. In 1601. he was elected a Burgess for Bishops Castle in his own country, to serve in that Parliament which began at Westminster 27. Oct. the same year, where shewing himself an observing man, made an Historical collection of the proceedings therein, to which adding other collections for three Parliaments preceeding, viz. (1.) For that which began 4. Feb. 1588. (2.) For that which began 19. Feb. 1592. and thirdly, for that which commenc’d 9. Feb. 1597. he made a compleat collection in folio. At length when the press; was open, and the author had been dead many years, his labours were published under this title:

Historical collections: or, an exact account of the proceedings of the four last Parliaments of Q. Elizabeth, wherein is contained the compleat Journals both of Lords and Commons, taken from the original records of their Houses. As also the more particular behaviours of the worthy Members, during all the last notable sessions, &c. Lond. Clar. 1602. 1680. fol. In the title of which book the publisher hath set down Heywood, instead of Hayward, Townshend: whose time of death tho unknown to me, yet sure I am that he died without Issue, some years before 1623. See more in Will. Monson under the year 1606. In 1681. was published in octavo a book intit. The connexion, being choice collections of some remarkable passages in K. James his reign, &c. which may supply the vacancy between Townshend and Rushworths collections; but who the author of it was I cannot tell. ’Tis a trite thing.