Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 223
John Toy
Son of Joh. Toy was born and bred in Grammar Learning within the City of Worcester, became either a Servitor or Batler of Pembroke Coll. in 1627, aged 16 years, took one degree in Arts, entred into Orders, and became Chaplain to the Bishop of Hereford; under which title he took the degree of Master of Arts in 1634. Afterwards he was made Master of the Free, then of the Kings, School within the place of his nativity: which last he kept for 20 years space, and furnished the Universities with several hopeful youths. He hath written and published,
Worcesters Elegie and Eulogie. Lond. 1638. quar. a Poem. Before which, Will. Rowland the Poet (mentioned among these Writers under the year 1659.) hath two Lat. Copies of Verses.
Quisquiliae poeticae tyrunculis in re metrica non inutilis. Lond. 1662. oct.
Fun. Serm. on Mrs. .... Tomkyns, on Job. 14.14.—Printed 1642. qu. And whether he was Author of Grammatices Graecae Enchiridion in usum scholae Collegialis Wigooniae. Lond. 1650. oct. I know not yet to the contrary. He gave up the ghost on the 28 of Decemb. in sixteen hundred sixty and three,1663. and was buried in the Cath. Ch. at Worcester. Over his grave was a Mon. soon after put, with an Inscription thereon, wherein he is stiled Vir ingenii perpoliti, industriae indefessae, eruditionis singularis, eximiae morum sanctitatis, vitae integer, pubis constituendae scientissimus, pietate, fide, modestia, gravitate, nullâꝫ non virtute spectabilis, &c.