Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 71
Henry Tozer
was born at North Tawton in Devonshire, entred into Exeter Coll. in 1619, and in the year of his age 17, took one degree in Arts, and then was made Prob. Fellow of his House 1623. Afterwards he proceeded in that faculty, took holy orders and became a useful and necessary Person in the society by moderating, reading to Novices and lecturing in the Chappel. At riper years he was admitted Bach. of Div, became an able and painful Preacher, had much of the Primitive Religion in his Sermons, and seem’d to be a most precise Puritan in his looks and life, which was the true reason why his preachings and expoundings in the Churches of S. Giles and S. Martin in Oxon. were much frequented by Men and Women of the Puritanical party. In 1643, he was elected one of the Assembly of Divines, but refused to sit among them, choosing rather to exercise his function in Oxon before the K. or Parliament, or in his cures there, than venture himself among rigid Calvinists. In 1646, a little before the garrison of Oxford was surrendred for the use of the Parliament, he was one of those noted Theologists, who had either preached at Ch. Ch. before his Majesty, or at S. Maries before the Parliament, that were nominated by the Chancellour of the University to have the degree of D. of D. bestowed upon them, but that also, he, as others, refused. In 1647. and 48, he behav’d himself a stout Champion against the unreasonable proceedings of the Visitors appointed by Parliament. For which being by them posted up for an expell’d Scholar, revoked their sentence so far, that by an order dated 2. Nov. 16 [•] 8, they impower’d him to have liberty to use his Chamber in Exeter Coll. as also that he enjoy a Travellers allowance for three years. Afterwards he went into Holland, and became Minister to the worshipful company of English Merchants at Roterdam. His works are these.
Directions for a godly life, especially for communicating at the Lords table. Oxon. 1628. oct. There again the tenth time, 1680. oct.
Several Sermons, as (1) A Christian amendment, Serm. on New-years-day at S. Mart. Ch. in Ox. on 2. Cor. 5.17. Oxon. 1633. oct. (2) Christian Wisdom, or the excellency, &c. of true wisdom, Serm. on 1. Kings 10.24. Oxon. 1639. oct. (3) Sermon on Joh. 18.3. Ox. 1640. &c.
Dicta & facta Christi ex quatuor Evangelistis collecta, & in ordme disposita. Oxon. 1634. oct. He gave way to fate on the eleventh day of Septemb. in sixteen hundred and fifty (old stile) and was buried in the English Church at Roterdam, appropriated to the aforesaid Merchants,1650. as I have been informed by Dr. Tho. Marshall lately Rector of Linc. College, who succeeded him in that office of Preacher there.