Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 280
Richard Turnbull
was born in Lincolnshire, admitted Scholar of C. C. coll. 9. Nov. 1566. aged 16. or thereabouts, and was afterwards made Fellow. M. of Arts and a Priest. At length being beneficed in London, where he was much followed for his edifying way of preaching, wrote and published,
An exposition on the canonical Epistle of St. James. Lond. 1591. oct. in 28 Sermons. Exposition on the Canon. Epist. of St. Jude.—In 10 Sermons. Printed there the same year in oct.
Four Sermons on Psal. 15.—Which Sermons, with the former Expositions, were printed in quarto at Lond. 1606.Clar. 1604. the author being then dead. I find that one Will. Turnfull L. L. Bac. was installed Preb. of Worcester 1557. which he resigned in 1558. being then Parson of Fladbury in Worcestershire, and that he died in Jul. or Aug. 1573. Whether this William was a writer, or had any relation to Richard before-mentioned, it doth not yet appear to me.