Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 91
Richard Turner
, a Staffordshire Man born, was educated in Magd. College; of which house he became afterwards Fellow, and esteemed in the University, especially by the reformed party, a right godly and learned Man, and a good Preacher. Afterwards he belonged to the Church at Windsore, where he helped Jo. Merbeck in making the Concordance of the Bible. But when Qu. Mary came to the Crown he fled beyond Seas, and setling at Basil in Germany, was a frequent Preacher among the English exiles, for whose sake he composed,
An Exposition on the Epistle of St. Paul to the
- Ephesians.
- Hebrews.
Expos. on the Gen. Epist. of St. James.—These expositions which were read at Basil, were fit for the Press in 1558, but whether they were ever afterwards Printed; I know not. In the said Year, Baleus tells (b)(b) Int. Script. Major. Britan. p. 113. us, that he was living at Basil, and Joh. Fox doth further (c)(c) In his Acts and Monof the Church, &c. in the story of Joh. Merbeck. inform us that he died in Exile. So I presume, that he concluded his last day between the beginning of Fifteen hundred fifty and eight, 1558 and the Month of Novemb. the same year; in which Month Qu. Elizab. came to the Crown of England, and soon after the exiles return’d to their Country.