Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 282
Charles Turnhull
, a Lincolnshire man born, was admitted Scholar of C. C. coll. 24. Dec. 1573. took the degrees in Arts, that of Master being compleated 1581. about which time he was made Fellow of the said coll. and became Famous for his admirable knowledge in the Mathematick Science. He hath written,
A perfect and easie Treatise of the use of the Celestial Globe, written as well for an introduction to the unskilful in Astronomy, as for the use of such as be exercised in the art of Navigation. Lond. 1597. oct. Which I think was the second Edition.Clar. 1605. He also built and made those several sorts of Dialls that stand upon a Pillar in the middle of C. C. coll. Quadrangle, an. 1605. What other things he wrote, or when he died, I cannot yet find. See more in Rob. Hegge, an. 1629.