Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 566

John Tynmouth

, sometimes a Grey-Frier at Lynne in Norfolk, was edacuted in Theological learning among those of his Fraternity at Cambridge, and afterwards among those at Oxon, and at length made a Suffragan Bishop under the tit. of the Bish. of Argos, then in partibus infidelium. 1524 He gave way to fate in fifteen hundred twenty and four, and was buried in the Ch. yard of Bostou in Lincolnshire, (of which place he was Vicar) right against the midst of the high Altar, to the end that his loving Parishioners, when they should happen to see his Grave and Tomb, might be sooner moved to pray for his Soul. He gave at the time of his death to the houses of Grey Friers at Lynne, Cambridge, and Oxon, 5 l. a piece.