Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 72
Nicholas Udall
whom Leland (d)(d) In Encomiis, trophaeis, &c. ut supra, p. 12. 33. 62. stiles Odovallus, was born in Hampshire, and descended from those of his name, living sometimes at Wykeham in the said County, was admitted Scholar of Corp. Ch. Coll. in June 1520. aged 15 or more, Probationer Fellow in Sept. 1524. being then Bach. of Arts, and two Years after supplicated for the Degree of Master, but took it not at that time, being, as ’tis probable, denied, because he was much addicted to the opinions of Luther. Afterwards he obtained the Mastership of Eaton School near Windsor, and proceeded in Arts 1534, but in 1540-41 had like to have lost that place as being suspected to be conscious to a robbery committed by two Scholars of his School, who having stole images, plate, and other matters belonging to the College of Eaton, were with Udall examined (e)(e) As in the Papers of state, in the Paper office at Whitehall. by His Majesties Council, in the beginning of March that Year. What became of the matter I know not; sure ’tis, that our Author Udall was made Canon of Windsor, in the beginning of Edw. 6. and is stiled by a certain (f)(f) Jo. Baleus ut sup. cent. 9. nu. 45. Author to be Elegantissimus omnium bonarum literarum magister & earum felicissimus interpres. He hath written,
Flowers for Latin speaking, selected and gathered out of Terence, and the same translated into English, together with the exposition, &c. newly corrected—When this was first Printed I cannot tell. That Edit. which I have seen, was Printed at Lond. 1568. in oct. Which Book being esteemed good in its time, and very useful for young Scholars Joh. (g)(g) In Encom. p. 62. Leland and Tho. (h)(h) In Encom. illustrium aliquot virorum, edit. 1589. p. 128 Newton wrot Verses in commendation of it, not only set before the Book, but Printed in their respective Encomia’s, &c.
Commentary on the Apothegms of Erasmus.
Epistolae & Carmina ad
- Gul. Hormannum.
- Joh. Lelandum.
Comedies, Epistles, and divers Verses.—He also translated into English at the request of Qu. Cather. Parr (1) Paraphrase on the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles. Lond. 1551. fol. written by Erasmus. (2) Pet. Martyrs Treatise, wherein he openly in the Univ. of Oxon. declared his whole and determinate judgment concerning the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Lond. in qu. and (3ly.) The Tragedy of Popery, Clar. 1552. and other things, as Bale will tell you. When this our Author Udall died, I know not, nor any thing else of him, only that his Memory is celebrated by polite Verses, written by Joh. (I)(I) In Encom. ut sup. p. 12. 33. 62. Leland, Joh. (k)(k) In Epigram. p. 61. &c. Parkhurst, and Tho. (l)(l) In Encom. ut sup. p. 128. Newton of Chestire, to which I refer to the Reader. I have seen (m)(m) In Office Praerog. Cant. in lib. quodam Administrationum ibid. incipient primo. Januar. 1571. the Copy of a commission granted in the beginning of the Year 1572, to one Catherine Yerbury, otherwise Udall, Daugh. of Nich. Udall of Fenne in Somersetshire, giving her power to administer the goods, debts, and chattels, of him the said Nich. Udall lately deceased: Whether this Nic. Udall be the same with him that was the Writer, the Reader is to judge.