Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 618
Henry Usher
a Dublin man born, was educated in the University of Cambridge till he was Bach of Arts, and some time after. In the beginning of the year 1572. he went to Oxon, setled in Vniversity coll. was incorporated in the same degree in the beginning of July the same year, and in few days after was licensed to proceed in Arts. Which degree being compleated by standing in the Act, he made some continuance here, studied the Theological faculty, and laid a sure foundation therein by the helps of divers noted men, then in the University; among whom Dr. Humphrey and Dr. Holland were two. Afterwards he retired to his native Country, became Archdeacon of Dublin, and at length Archb. of Armagh, and so consequently Primate of all Ireland. To which See being consecrated in Aug. 1595. sate there till the time of his death in great honour and repute, among all Protestants in that country. He died at Termon-Fechan on the (a)(a) Ibid. p. 28. second day of April in sixteen hundred and thirteen, 1613 and was buried in S. Peters Church at Drogheda, commonly called Tredagh. In the See of Armagh succeeded Dr. Christopher Hampton, and him Dr. James Vsher nephew to Henry before mention’d, whom I shall mention in the Fasti under the year 1626.